

Cousteau Friends Presents ガンバレ東北スライドショー

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Pierre-Yves Cousteau – A Conversation with a Conservationist

Cousteau Friends Japan クストー友の会

1. Introduction
Cousteau Friends Circle Japan is planning to launch the events jointed with the venue of Pierre-Yves Cousteau during 15th – 25th March 2012, for the purpose of humanitarian aids for disaster victims in Tohoku. This action is called Cousteau Project, which aims to develop 1) Artists charity event initiated by Keiko Börjeson & Hakan Börjeson inviting P.Y. Cousteau for his seminar and musical concert, 2) humanitarian aids know-hows for Eco sustainable approach in the reconstruction phase of Tohoku devastated area, aiming French-Japanese collaboration based on the existing frame work such as Tohoku-Okaeshi project and utilizing skills of Cousteau/Cousteau Divers Foundation, 3) the Cousteau Friends Circle to fund raising activity possibly in Japan.

2. Event Schedule
15th March Beach Cleaning activity jointed with Soleil Provence in Shonan-Chigasaki area.
17th -19th Concert & Seminar in Kyushu.
20th Concert & Seminar at Latvia Embassy
21th – 22th Earth Days co-jointed with IFJT (Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo).
23th Concert-Seminar to be confirmed by French Embassy.

3. Aid Operations
Cousteau and Cousteau Divers Foundation have wide variety of Eco sustainable development methods, such as dolphin therapy, marine leisure and water sports, divers licensing association, Eco tourism and business methods for conserving nature to sea area. This time, we are focusing the damage on Oyster firms by Tsunami disasters and it’s related industries in the reconstruction phase. The frame work of French-Japan collaboration exists already, initiated by France Okaeshi project for Oyster industries, and we are providing our support to them.

4. Fund raising activity
The aids operation mentioned above can include various venues of actors and players in the social reconstruction, there would be business matching, social installation of aids operations, and financial establishment for sustainable activity of Cousteau Friends Japan. For this purpose, we aim to construct the economical accountability of our group leading to effective financial activity.

Who we are
- Mr. Shingo Hamada Project Manager of Cousteau Project.
- Mr Hakan Börjeson, Mrs. Keiko Börjeson, Mr. Megumi Kato from Open Gate Project forming Cousteau Friends Japan and supporting Cousteau Project.
- Oyster Association and France Okaeshi Project, forming Cousteau Friends Japan.